Ciancio alle bande, si fa cos矛:
- stampa il foglio A4 al 100% del formato, senza riduzioni o ingrandimenti e rifila con un taglierino le quattro porzioni, come indicato dai crocini;
- unisci sul retro le quattro parti con un pezzo di scotch trasparente;
- plastifica tutta la striscia ottenuta con del nastro adesivo trasparente alto 5 cm, prima un lato e poi l’altro, a mo’ di panino (ti sar脿 utile fissare la fascetta di carta al piano del tavolo con piccolissimi pezzi di scotch, che potrai rimuovere);
- rifila nuovamente il tutto (io uso semplicemente delle forbici), lasciando circa 2 mm di cornice trasparente: in questo modo la carta viene inglobata completamente fra i due strati di nastro adesivo, rendendo la superficie lavabile e resistente.
Could you make one for 6mm machine? MK70 is 6mm.
Done 馃榾 according to my research there is also an Empisal-HK160 with 160 needles and a Taitexma-TH160 with 168 needles
Thank you so much for these!
If you got a strange machine like me, the empisal knitmaster 250, it has a 5mm pitch and you can print the standard gauge at 111% to fit the machine.
Happy knitting everyone!
I love your approach <3 thanks to you for experimenting. Later I'll try to make the 5 mm gauge, I didn't know it would be useful ^ ^
Thank you for creating this. I can’t wait to set up my very first machine and make this needle guide for it. So glad I found your site!
I’m glad you like it ^ ^ thank you for your feedback, happy knitting ^ ^
Brilliant! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this. I printed it on US standard typing paper (8.5″x11″), and it came out perfectly. Caution: be sure you’re printing it at 100%, and not “Scaled to Fit Page”.
I think I will find this especially useful for creating guides for hand manipulated stitches. I’ll just leave it as plain paper in order to easily place my marks and dispose of it when done knitting.
Thanks Tanya for the feedback, it’s a good advice printing the stripes for the hand manipulated stitches, easy to print, easy to mark : )